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Guild Auction

THE 2024 AUCTION is just around the corner! This is our annual get together to visit with friends and bring home fiber-related tools, equipment, books, raw fiber, yarn, yarn and more yarn! The Auction is a fundraising event for the Guild. The silent bidding and live auction make for a fun day with fiber friends.

The Auction is a win-win-win event. You pass along items that have been taking up space in your closet, someone gets an item they can use, and the Guild raises money that benefits the members. And, it’s great fun. What’s not to like about that?

It’s not too late if you have something to donate to the auction.  This is a great opportunity to go through your stash and declutter!  Donations can be dropped off on the day of set-up from 10:00 – noon. Or you can contact Tracy Hagel or Joan Chapdelaine to make arrangements to drop off items. We need all donations prior to the day of the auction, if possible. Please try not to bring items on the day of the auction.

We could still use a few more volunteers. Help is needed for both set-up on Wednesday, Dec. 4th and on auction day, Thursday, Dec. 5th. Click on the link for ivolunteer to sign up to help.

The auction will be at Fort Casey in the Mess A building (see MAP – the building is circled in red). There should be plenty of parking around the area. Please bring your own lunch. Note – only officially trained service animals are allowed. We also recommend that you wear your name tag.

The auction will be divided into two parts as in the past. The silent auction begins at 10 AM. No bids will be allowed before 10. Auction tables will close sequentially. After lunch our own auctioneer, Ann Smith, starts the live auction. 

Payment for auction items can be made by cash, check or credit card.